I am licensed by the California Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board (SLPAB) and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).
My experience includes:
15 years working as a Speech-Language Pathologist in clinical and school settings with individuals with Autism, Down Syndrome, Intellectual Disability, Speech Sound Disorder, Speech and Language Delay/Disorder, Stuttering, Social Communication Disorder, Learning Disabilities, and Emotional Disturbance.
Leading social skills groups
Completing multidisciplinary assessments working with Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Behavior Therapists/Supervisors, and Pyschologists
Collaborating as part of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) team
Collaborating on a hospital craniofacial team working with Dentists, Pyschologists, ENTs, and other disciplines
Working as course instructor for parent education course, Hanen® it Takes Two to Talk®
Working as Lead Clinician of Building Bridges Integrated Therapeutic Services, a preschool program for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Working as department head and supervisor of the speech and language department at the Vista Del Mar School, a private school for children with a variety of special needs
Moderating a student panel at the 2014 Autism Conference at Vista Del Mar, Bridging the Gap, presenting practical sensory and social skills strategy use in the classroom
Supervising SLP and SLPA graduate student interns in a school setting
Supervising SLP graduate student clinicians as a faculty member at the California State University, Northridge Language (CSUN), Speech, and Hearing Center
I implement the following therapy methods in my treatment:
PROMPT (Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets)
Hanen® It Takes Two to Talk®
The Kaufman Approach to Apraxia
AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)
Social Thinking®
DTTC (Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing)
SCERTS (Social Communication Emotional Regulation Transactional Support)
I am a native Angeleno, having grown up in Echo Park and Silverlake. I love spending time swimming, dancing, listening to music, hiking, and going to the beach with my friends, husband, son, and daughter.